When the battery is charged, it must be removed from the machine. Conduct regular maintenance, clean and dry. If there is dust on the plates, it will lead to a short circuit between the plates and the battery will discharge by itself. Dirt and oxides on the surface of the plate should be removed, and dirty water should also be prevented from flowing into the battery. When the vent of the liquid cap is blocked, the gas generated by charging cannot escape.
In severe cases, the battery will also automatically explode. The vents need to be kept open and the electrolyte level is high. When the battery is in use, the electrolyte surface drops as the electrolyte water evaporates and the solution overflows. At this point, the plate is easily exposed to air, resulting in reduced capacitance and vulcanization of the plate. The height of the electrolyte surface should be checked regularly.
The electrolyte is impure if industrial sulfuric acid is used instead of chemical sulfuric acid. Using tap water or river water instead of distilled water to add to a battery can lead to self-discharge and reduce battery life. Electrolyte density the electrolyte becomes thicker or thinner as the battery is charged and discharged. When we check the specific gravity of the electrolyte, we can know how much power the battery holds.
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